


決勝時刻:現代戰爭II 2022

雖然最近沒有太多《決勝時刻:現代戰爭2》的官方訊息,但相關訊息人士在接受Tom Henderson採訪的時候暗示《決勝時刻:現代戰爭2》將在9月初會有一個多人遊戲模式的預告,這與本月初另一位內部人士Ralph Valve的說法是一致的。

當然,確切的時間和預告的內容形式還不得而知。目前遊戲測試的日期有待確認而且還沒有關於多人遊戲alpha的更新。雖然推出多人遊戲預告和釋出遊戲測試版的時間十分接近,顯得訊息比較可疑,但Henderson指出,遊戲相關宣發路線圖 "已經計劃了幾個月"。因此,粉絲們可以期待在測試版之後遊戲的宣傳力度會 "大幅提升"。

《決勝時刻:現代戰爭2》將於10月28日推出,屆時將登陸Xbox One、Xbox Series X/S、PS4、PS5和PC。目前官方披露了兩種新的多人遊戲模式——人質和淘汰賽。不過現階段《決勝時刻:現代戰爭2》多人遊戲中的場景、武器上海乃至相關的一些遊戲模式都被洩露了。不過在遊戲正式釋出之前,感興趣的玩家可以繼續保持關注。


翻譯來源 : gamingboltThough it hasn’t received too much official news lately, Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be getting a multiplayer reveal in early September. Sources speaking to Tom Henderson (via TryHardGuides) implied the same, noting that the multiplayer beta would take place in mid-late September. This lines up with what another insider, Ralph Valve, reported earlier this month.

Of course, exactly when and how it will be revealed is unknown. The dates for the beta are also yet to be confirmed. There also haven’t been updates on any kind of multiplayer alpha. While a multiplayer reveal and beta so close to launch seems suspicious, Henderson notes that the marketing roadmap “has been planned for months.” Fans can thus expect marketing to “ramp up significantly” after the beta.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is out on October 28th for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC. Officially, two new multiplayer modes – Hostage and Knockout – have been revealed. However, various aspects of the multiplayer like Field Upgrades, Perks and Killstreaks have been leaked along with modes like Cranked and Demolition. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.


