




白1 金3 銀6 銅16 總46 隱藏獎盃43

1 Somebody Else? Played as Aiden for the first time

銅杯 有其他人在嗎? 第一次扮演艾登

2 Obedience Stopped the experiment voluntarily

銅杯 服從 自發地終止實驗

3 Teammates Did 3 mischievous things with Jodie and Aiden

銅杯 隊友 和祖迪及艾登做三件惡作劇

4 Entities Apprentice Vanquished the entities with Aiden

銅杯 靈體學徒 使用艾登戰勝靈體

5 Sorry Forgave Jodie's father

銅杯 抱歉 原諒祖迪的父親

6 Not My Father Choked Philip with Aiden

銅杯 不是我父親 使用艾登讓菲利浦窒息

7 Revenge Taught 3 or more of the teens a lesson, or started the house fire, with Aiden

銅杯 復仇 使用艾登教訓三個或以上的青少年,或是讓房子失火

8 Cold Blood Did not impress or scare the teens with Aiden

銅杯 冷血 不用艾登驚嚇青少年們

9 Together Forever Protected Jodie from her attackers

銅杯 永不分離 從侵犯者手中保護祖迪

10 Portal Shutdown Successfully shut down the condenser portal

銅杯 關閉中樞 成功關閉聚魂器中樞

11 Channeling Master Channeled all dead bodies in the condenser compound

銅杯 通靈大師 在聚魂器與所有死者通靈

12 Perfect Soldier Completed most of the physical training successfully

銅杯 完美士兵 完成大部分體能訓練

13 Fight Apprentice Won every fight whilst taking less than 5 hits

銅杯 格鬥學徒 在被打到少於5次下完成所有格鬥

14 Stealth Apprentice Completed all stealth training without being spotted

銅杯 潛行學徒 在沒有被發現的情況下完成所有潛行訓練

15 Clean Job Shut down the monitor and finished the mission using only Aiden

銅杯 手腳乾淨 只使用艾登關閉監視器螢幕並完成任務

16 Possessive Spy Finished the mission using only the Sheik

銅杯 佔有慾強的間諜 只使用謝赫就完成任務

17 Perfect Lover Cooked a meal, cleaned the apartment, took a shower, wore the elegant dress and put on some music

銅杯 完美情人 煮菜、打掃公寓房間、淋浴、穿著優雅的洋裝並放點音樂

18 Casual Girl Ordered a pizza, watched some TV and wore something casual

銅杯 隨性女孩 訂披薩、看電視、穿著簡便

19 In Love with Ryan Slept with Ryan

銅杯 和雷恩墜入情網 和雷恩發生親密關係

20 Stealth Master Made it to the cathedral without being spotted

銅杯 隱形大師 在不被發現的情況下到達大教堂


21 Catch Me if You Can Escaped the train without being arrested

銅杯 來抓我啊 在不被拘捕的情況下從列車脫逃

22 Aiden's Apocalypse Destroyed the gas station, the church, the gun store and the helicopter

銅杯 艾登末世錄 摧毀加油站、教堂、槍支專賣店和直升機

23 Houdini Got arrested three times and escaped each time

銅杯 脫逃大師 被拘捕三次每次都順利脫逃

24 Money to Eat Earned enough money to have some chocolate during dinner

銅杯 賺錢餬口 賺到足夠的錢能在晚餐時吃巧克力

25 Smart Thief Deactivated the supermarket's camera

銅杯 聰明的小偷 讓超市的警鈴失效

26 Miracles Looked after Tuesday's baby, healed Jimmy and channeled Stan

銅杯 奇蹟 檢查星期二的嬰兒、治療吉米和幫史坦通靈

27 Medicine Girl Successfully performed the entire ritual

銅杯 巫師女孩 完成整個儀式

28 Not Just Sand Ran from the sandstorm and took less than 3 hits

銅杯 不只是沙子 從暴風沙中脫逃並且被打到少於3次

29 Eye for an Eye Didn't speak during the interrogation

銅杯 以眼還眼 在被拷問的過程中不發一語

30 Agent 894732 Told the truth during the interrogation

銅杯 探員 894732 在被拷問時將實情全盤供出

31 Almost Too Easy Went to the containment shield with the General

銅杯 簡直太容易 和將軍一起前往抑制力場

32 Chose Afterlife Entered the Infraworld

銅杯 選擇來生 進入異世界

33 Chose Life Stayed in reality

銅杯 選擇生活 選擇留在現世

34 Convince Dawkins Helped Dawkins see the truth

銅杯 說服道金斯 幫道金斯看到事實

35 Black Sun Down Deactivated the Black Sun

銅杯 黑太陽隕落 關閉黑太陽

36 Two Souls Launched a scene in Duo mode

銅杯 兩個靈魂 用雙人模式遊玩遊戲

37 The End One possible reality has been uncovered...

銀盃 完結 一個可能的事實已被揭露…

38 Uncontrollable Took every opportunity to be evil as Aiden

銀盃 無法駕馭 使用艾登時把握機會使壞

39 Never Alone Started at least one romance

銀盃 不甘寂寞 至少有過一段羅曼史

40 Entities Master Was victorious in every battle with the evil entities

銀盃 靈體大師 贏得對抗靈體的每場戰鬥

41 A Better World Let every possible character die and chose to go with them to the Infraworld

銀盃 更好的世界 讓所有角色死亡並選擇追隨他們去異世界

42 Explorer Found all the bonuses

銀盃 探索者 找到所有追加要素

43 Together Till the End Finished the game in Duo mode

金盃 一起直到永遠 用雙人模式完成遊戲

44 All Endings... Saw all endings

金盃 所有結局… 看過所有結局

45 Saved All Saved every character that could be saved

金盃 拯救全部 拯救有機會救到的每個角色

46 BEYOND: TWO SOULS MASTER Collected all trophies!

白金 BEYOND: TWO SOULS 大師 收集到所有獎盃!

