《死亡擱淺》887a0005問題解決辦法 887a0005問題怎麼辦




1.your video device is dying slowly, replace it.

  • 你的顯示卡太爛了(GTX960M這種八成跑不了,視訊記憶體2G是不行的)。GeForce GTX 1050 3 GB or AMD Radeon™ RX 560 4 GB 顯示卡起碼的要求。

2.your video drivers are corrupt, re-install them from your PC/Laptop makers website.

  • 你的顯示卡驅動出問題了,解除安裝掉重新安裝一次最新。

3.if you have a PC and you know what you're doing, open up the bonnet and check the power connections to your video device - re-seat if necessary. Also clean out (with compressed air) your power supply.

  • 如果你會拆裝電腦的化,檢查下你的顯示卡電源是不是沒有接好,或者清理下你的顯示卡上的灰塵。

4.if your PC is quite old, your power supply may be on its way to the great power supply bone yard - have it checked out;

  • 你的電腦如果太舊,可能電源老化帶不動你的顯示卡了。

5.If you're playing games, turn the qualoty from high down to medium or low to take stress off your video card.

  • 如果你在玩遊戲的時候報這個錯,基本就是卡的能力不夠了,把畫質弄低點。


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