


最中間的一本本子case file,是本次任務;左上角那本scrapbook記載了南茜朱爾系列的前19部。

左下角那本how to be a detective(怎樣當一名偵探)介紹了本遊戲的一些基本操作。









主介面上的檯燈可以開關,右下角那個小人可以搖一下。。 = 。=




左邊有個diving supplies,潛水裝置這裡提供,氧氣用了也回到這裡來衝。開門需要玩個開窗小遊戲。把亮點消除光就可以。


繼續左邊,桌子上,國際船旗,猴子牌、蝙蝠牌。猴子右邊Sonny Joon’s NOTES可以放進包包,主要教你怎麼跟猴子玩遊戲,以後說;蝙蝠玻璃框右邊那個聲波探測器拿起來,先拼個電路板。任何零件都可以拿起來之後,摁右鍵轉動。隨便怎麼拼,都塞上去就可以。拼完但是少塊電池。


屋子中間,籃子裡有本In Search of the Seven Virtues Fleet.一般看看。分頁符



回去跟喬治對話,Have you by any chance seen the key to the shed outside。拿鑰匙。

I need a 9 volt battery.Have you come across any?喬治沒有。。


左邊那個箱子,滑鼠移到SAIL BIN下面的密碼那邊,密碼即蓋子上5個船旗所對應的編碼,見屋子裡說明。79204,取得帆。


至此,把task list 清理一下。已經完成的可以打鉤的有:

√Cant’t follow the kidnappers’ directions without a shovel—find one!找到個鐵鍬。

√Figure out how to get into the closet in the lobby.玩開窗進潛水裝置室。

√Find the key to that storage shed. 找喬治拿到鑰匙。

√Find some distilled water so I can fill the batteries in the golf cart。小工棚裡得到。

√Put distilled water in the golf cart batteries. 汽車可以發動了。

√Figure out how to open the bin in which the sails are kept and get the sails out. 拿到帆了。

√Look around outside. 仔細逛逛周圍每一個角落。

√Take a good look around lobby.同上


√Head to Shark Cove and follow the directions the kidnappers left for me.

開車去Shark Cove,就在起點下面一點點。進入挖寶場景。說實話,那張表格我現在還沒搞懂,應該跟場景內的樹啊、石頭的個數有關。感謝ors0125哥們兒的暴力破解法,開個加速齒輪地毯式挖掘。。終於功夫不負有心人。如圖。得到本火星文書。破解如下(現在只能破解一大部分)。

√Decode the cryptograms that’re in the book I found buried in the sand. 解碼火星文



小島左邊Sangre Beach,剛進去的時候,點船,滑鼠變為紅色放大鏡,點一下喊一下Bess,不知道喊1000下能否出現奇蹟。。左邊小路上發現綠色小鞋,然後立即被拍倒。。


√Go out to Sangre Beach and look for Bess. 來Sangre沙灘找Bess。分頁符


√Locate a battery for that bat detector. 找到電池來源。

繼續逛小島,來到Blue Hole.石頭那邊少個滑輪。


來的小島右上角Dread Isle,與猴子們玩遊戲。左邊個是丟球比賽,注意得分,最小的倆水果5分,螃蟹一樣的4分,五角星3分,別的倆就別丟了,很簡單就贏;右邊個是搶地盤遊戲,雙方各兩種顏色,注意同種顏色不能相鄰,地盤越大,分越多,聰明點兒也很簡單;中間個遊戲最傻了,直接轉色子,走到頭就贏,這個完全看RP。。


√See if that “Monkey Mania”display in the lobby can tell me anything useful.看桌子上的猴子牌。

√Find the monkey with the extra toe and get that pulley back from.or her.我是最右邊的個猴子拿到的滑輪和一個六邊彩色石板1。

√Find out if the monkeys at the research center really do know how to play games with people.

√Be on the lookout for some fruit to feed that parrot. 贏猴子拿的潘石榴。



√Use the golf cart to explore the island and look for Bess. 開高爾夫車逛一圈小島。

√Figure out how to avoid the rocks those pesky monkeys keep throwing down at me so I can reach those bat caves. 爬山躲石頭。



√Let’s go sailing! 上船了就能勾了。


√Sail between the 2 sharp rocks and retrieve Johnny’s beacon for him.西北海小旗子。

√Give Johnny his beacon so he’ll give me a battery. 到Sangre Beach找Johnny拿旗子換電池

√Put the bat detector together. 開啟包,拿出聲波探測器,開啟包,拿出電池裝上。

去Blue Hole,把滑輪裝到石頭上。滑輪原理,如圖順序纏繩子。得到六邊彩色石板2.

√See what EL Toro had to say about using those pulleys to raise that rock slab by the Blue Hole. 拿到石板後勾上。

回根據地跟喬治聊聊。(沒事情可以做就這麼做= 。=)聊完,下面2箇舊賬沒清,前面多了4個可以完成的任務。分頁符

√Get some scuba gear so I can dive to the shipwreck described in El Toro’s book.拿到潛水服,直接勾上。

√Find a way to get out to the site of that shipwreck. 破解火星文就能勾了。


√See if that Johnny guy will let me borrow his metal detector. 對話後就可以勾。

√Play a game with the monkey who stole Johnny’s compass so I can win it back.贏猴子拿羅盤。

√Trade that compass in for a metal detector. 回海灘跟捲髮男換。對話完之後,拿綠包旁邊的金屬探測器。

√Sail to the site of the shipwreck described in El Toro’s book. 拿到金屬探測器後,可以進入東南海區那個一圈珊瑚礁裡了。點船左邊的舷梯就可以潛水,記住先存檔。




√Find a sea urchin.找到海膽球。

√Follow the directions in that book I dug up. 水中挖寶箱。

√Dive down to the shipwreck and dig up the iron chest El Toro wrote about in that book.挖

√Since the chest I found is too heavy to bring to the surface, I’ll just have to open it where it lies. 水中玩數獨開寶箱。


至此,全部火星文解碼完畢。瞭解到Blue Hole 的水裡有貨!

√Take a really good look at the round brass mechanism I found in that chest and see if it might somehow help me decode the rest of El Toro’s book. 火星文搞定就可以勾了。

√Drive out to the Blue Hole referred to in El Toro’s book and check it out. 不能勾的跑一趟Blue Hole.


√Fingure out how to get Coucou’s perch. 找鸚鵡同學也聊聊,關於perch。

小島上找樹枝,Shark Cove 3個,Sangre Beach 2個,Blue Hole 1個。Coucou喜歡的是Sangre Beach左邊的那根樹枝。拿到那根換下靠在報紙桌上的杆子。

√Find a piece of driftwood so Coucou will let me have her perch.找樹枝換杆子。

√Keep looking until I find a piece of driftwood that Coucou likes. 同上。

√Figure out what those monkeys on top of the monolith are saying. 這個剛有,直接點。不能點的跟猴子牌學習一下。

√Get into my scuba gear and take a dip in the Blue Hole. 去Blue Hole看不見,潛水不能。

√Ask Johnny for an underwater golwstick so I can see underwater. 找捲髮男對話,先幫他定位GPS.

去小島最上端爬山了。先直接爬到頂。路上遇到山洞就進去,調一調那個蝙蝠聲波探測器,聲波正確了會閃燈。根據火星文書說明及根據地的玻璃框內的圖片,我們要找的是16HZ的聲波頻段。先爬到頂。拿出海膽丟給他們,就可以上山頂了。發現一個基座,先把鸚鵡同學的杆子插上去,再把那個火星文解碼器放上去。然後透過望遠鏡看,先發現有人移動。然後NE40看到Halfmood reef;SW20看到Coral Reef;SW70看到Dove Isle;

√Climb back up the monolith and give the monkeys the sea urchin I found. 給猴子海膽球。

√Go to the highest point on the island—according to El Toro’s book, that’s where I’m supposed to use the rod I got from Coucou. 插杆子。

√Now that I got those monkeys to move. Set up the rod and that astrolabe thing according to what’s in El Toro’s book. 放上火星文解碼器。

√Line up the sight on the astrolabe using the references in El Toro’s book and look through it. 拿望遠鏡四周看看。

√Use the bat detector to find the cave where the type of bat El Toro referred to in his book lives. 用蝙蝠聲波探測器找到16頻段的蝙蝠的那個洞。往裡走。



喬治到了主角被困洞口,要先玩個拼圖的小遊戲,先拼再移。拼完了,沒反應的話,就是稍微有點兒誤差,每個小碎片再稍微動動。下面是移動拼圖。按從上往下,從左往右123,456,789的順序,移動順序為89632 14563 25874 56987 45698 54798。


√Explore the cave I found and see what El Toro may’ve left there. 探索洞穴。

√See if re-directing that beam of light by manipulating those mirrors gets me anywhere. 反射光小遊戲完成。

√Call George so she can get me out of this cave before I run out of air. Call喬治求助。

√Look around outside the cave to see if I really did hear someone while I was trapped in there. 發現捲髮男的ID。

√See what Johnny has to say about that ID I found outside the cave. 到海灘找Johnny。Johnny 原名 John,為躲避客戶追討,改變名字相貌。。


出海,到東北海區形狀像鴿子的小島,發現一個密碼艙。呼叫喬治檢視工棚裡的程式碼。喬治到小工棚那邊一看,被人破壞了,那個小紀念幣被猴子偷了貌似。去找猴子玩遊戲拿回紀念幣。1622年9月6日。呼叫南茜告訴他這6個數字。O-1,左A-6,C-6,H-2,右A-2,T-9。得到一個銅板,Siete Virtudes code of conduct.還有一個小原片。

√Sail to the island shaped like a flying dove and check it out. 航行到東北鴿子島。

√Since there seems to be no wind and I can’t go anywhere, ask George to find out when the Atocha sank. 呼救喬治。

√Turn the sundials according to the date the Atocha sank and see what happens. 轉好6個數字,開啟蓋子。



√Sail to the reef I saw when I looked through the astrolabe.航行到西南珊瑚礁。

√Put on my scuba gear and see what, if anything, El Toro left at the reef. 潛水。。

√Yikes! I need to make my way through those jellyfish without getting stung. 小心被魚刺。

√Fingure out what’s up with the symbols I keep seeing on the wall of the reef. 像5符號。

√Find a way to get rid of the octopus that’s in the hole with the box in it. 引開章魚。

√Open the box that’s entombed in the wall of that octopus’s den.開寶箱。

√Keeo my eyes peeled for a way to use the list of words and symbols that the beam of light ultimately pointed to. 理解符號的意思。


√Program Johnny’s GPS.定位完畢。


先到Shark Cove 可以開挖了。紅色訊號滿了就可以右鍵挖。挖到的一些圓片,都弄到那個6邊架子上。10點鐘方向的牛一樣的不用轉,直接移到中間。8點鐘方向的駱駝轉一下,移到中間。4點鐘方向的鴿子轉3下,移到中間。得到六邊彩色石板6. 另外挖到Bess的項圈。

√Drive out to Shark Cove and check out the site shown on the medallion I got from the sundials.

√Turn and overlap the metal disks I found until they make the shape on that medalion.

√Give Johnny his GPS back so he’ll give me a glowstick. 拿GPS換髮光棒。分頁符

水下洞穴。要點最右邊入口才能前進或者後退。根據火星石板提示,我的前進路線是Danger,warning,death,enter,poisonous。往別的路走,可能會遇到氧氣瓶,也可能會遇到死神。應該還有別的路線。盡頭6塊彩色石板開門。提示隱藏在SIETE那塊銅板中,第一行,Bee,Ant,Donkey; 蜜蜂,螞蟻,驢子;第二行,Owl,Panther,Camel.貓頭鷹,豹,駱駝。轉動,使得相鄰的顏色一樣。如圖,右上角的驢子逆時針轉一下就開門了。

進去之後是個沙漏遊戲。第一排中間的沙漏得到一把鑰匙。遊戲目的是讓所有的沙漏同時漏完沙。這個有點兒難度,我在這裡磨蹭了大半天。上排123,下排4567.先點2;2的紗線走到第一二根紅線之間的時候,點4;4到第二根紅線的時候,點7;7到一二之間的時候,點1;1到一二之間的時候,點6;6到二三之間的時候,點3;3到二三之間的時候,點5. 運氣不好的時候,會引發地震,沒事,接著yes繼續。多試幾次,就會開門了。開門後取得一幅藏寶圖。

往回遊,Guardians, deep, strike, warnig.

√Let’s go cave diving.

√Figure out if and how those symbols I keep swimming past can somehow help me find my way through that underwater maze.

√Locate the six dials that go on those underwater pegs and see if they have to be arranged in a certain order.

√Keep turning those underwater dials until something happens.

√Explore that underwater cave!

√Find out what the deal is with the hourglasses in that underwater cave.

√Now that I’ve found what I think is El Toro’s treasure, I need to find my way back through the underwater maze. 找到藏寶圖。

√Find out what those rules of conduct I found are good for.比較早了,銅板藏密。

√Read El Toro’s book and do whatever I have to do to find his treasure. 更下面了,什麼都做了。。。

√Figure out what to do with the dials I keep finding. 再下面,找到6邊彩色石板的用途。


√Check in with George and come up with a way to get the silver map to the kidnappers.


√Go out to Sangre Beach and give the map to Johnny as per the kidnappers’ instructions.

用沙漏中得到的鑰匙開泥門。小說上的圖片在這裡還原。骷髏手上得到把鑰匙。左邊的那扇門上很多鑰匙孔。沙漏得的鑰匙開最左上角那個鎖孔,鬥牛相框鬆動了。又是個超級密碼。按人物畫像、鬥牛畫像、身後盾牌、牛頭、身後地上的畫 上的符號摁。如右圖。得到密碼箱,又見密碼。











