龍騰世紀:審判 全特使agent招募方法影片攻略




  Dragon Age Inquisition Agents Locations

  Once assigned to one of your Advisors, these will reduce the War Table Missions completion time. Furthermore, these will also ensure that you unlock Advanced Perks quicker than before.

  Recruiting Free Agents can be as easy as simply talking to them or daunting when it comes to completing their quests. Lastly, you may have to bring along one of your Party Members in order to persuade these Free Agents to join your cause.


  完成任務:Sit in Judgment

  Perk Bonus: The Noble Cadaver

  She can be found at Skyhold and may die at Halamshiral. In case she dies before you were able to approach her, you’ll find her remains at Skyhold.



  完成任務:Sit in Judgment

  Perk Bonus: Servis

  You’ll encounter Servis in the Western Approach and will have a chance to judge him at Skyhold. This dude can be assigned to Leliana and can prove to be a worthy informant.

  Western Approach沙漠裡面的主線任務會遇到 不殺的話 審判的時候可以招募


  完成任務:Sit in Judgment

  Perk Bonus: A Magister in Disgrace

  There are chances that you won’t find him alive after the events at Redcliffe Castle. However, if you do, you’ll be able to judge him at Skyhold.

  法師線他有可能活下來 審判可以招募

  He can also be assigned to Leliana and can perform magical-research which will prove beneficial for the Inquisition.

Michel de Chevin

  完成任務:Call Me Imshael

  Perk Bonus: Michel de Chevin

  Note: Make sure that you don’t fight Imshael located at Suledin Keep before you recruit Michel de Chevin – if you wish to do so.

  必須在Suledin Keep與 Imshael戰鬥後招募 之前與他對話談到 Imshael 之後擊敗後者可以招募

  You need to speak to him outside the village in Emprise du Lion and hear about Imshael. At this point, you need to travel to Suledin Keep and defeat Imshael before recruiting Michel de Chevin.

Barter by Belle

  完成任務:The Threat Remains

  Perk Bonus: Barter by Belle

  You can speak to this merchant located in Val Royeaux after speaking with clerics. Belle can be assigned to Josephine which will reduce the mission completion time by 5% which is huge.

  在一開始被教會召去 Val Royeaux對話後 可以在修女講臺的左手邊招募 就是那個賣蔬菜的……

Enchanter Ellendra

  完成任務:My Lover’s Phylactery

  Perk Bonus: Enchanter Ellendra

  There are multiple ways she can convinced to join your crusade. Here’s a quick rundown of everything that you can do:

  Bring Vivienne along to convince her

  Play the game as a Mage

  Use Arcane Persuade option

  Hinterland的女法師 完成支線後可以招募 必須帶上 Vivienne 或者用法師角色的Arcane Persuade

Horsemaster Dennet

  完成任務:Horses for the Inquisition

  Perk Bonus: Horsemaster Dennet

  You can bring Cassandra or Vivienne along in order to convince this man to join your crusade. I haven’t tried any other way, but he seems quite stubborn to leave his entire family behind.

  Hinterland的養馬老頭 完成相關任務可以招募 可以帶Cassandra或Vivienne勸說

Lord Berand

  完成任務:Love Waits

  Perk Bonus: Lord Berand

  With Lord Berand, you’ve the option of either make him take active part in the tasks for the Inquisition or work from behind the curtains, using his lordship.

  He can be assigned to either Cullen or Josephine and reduces the mission completion time by 5% which is again, very huge.



  完成任務:Strange Bedfellows

  Perk Bonus: Witty Ritts

  You either need to be a Dwarf Inquisitor or bring along Varric in order to convince Ritts to join your cause. Similar to Lord Berand, she reduces the mission completion time by 5%, but can only be assigned to Leliana.

  完成相關任務後 調查她身邊的屍體和物品會有對話選項 這時隊中有Varric(或矮人主角)可以勸說


  完成任務:In Hushed Whispers

  Perk Bonus: Clemence, the Tranquil

  You’ll have an opportunity to recruit Clemence in your crusade after meeting with Alexius in the Gull & Lantern tavern in Redcliffe.

  He, himself, will volunteer to join your cause and will reduce mission completion time by 5%.

  在任務途中的酒館裡會遇到 直接勸說即可

Speaker Anais

  完成任務:Praise the Herald of Andraste

  Perk Bonus: Speaker Anais

  Once you’ve shut down the rift during Priase the Herald of Andraste, you’ll be able to talk to Anais about joining your cause and recruiting her for either Josephine or Leliana.



  完成任務:Business Arrangements

  Perk Bonus: Smuggler Tanner

  You’ll be able to encounter Tanner in Redcliffe, right next to Chantry. You need to bring Cassandra in order to foce him to join your cause and work under Leliana.

  在Redcliffe 帶Cassandra可勸說加入

Corporal Vale

  完成任務:Hinterlands Quests

  Perk Bonus: Vale’s Irregulars

  In order to recruit Corporal Vale, you need to aid refugees at the Crossraods. You may have to complete quite a lot of quests before speaking to Corporal Vale.

  完成Hinterland的系列幫助難民任務後 可招募

