暗黑3: 怪物的生活 小格子裡的大裝備



  Bashiok answered a couple of useful questions in the b.net forums today. When someone asked if monsters would fit other monsters or only players, he said:

“It would be naive to think that with all of the creatures, demons, and monsters in the world of Sanctuary that they’d all purely be concerned with killing you and you alone.”


And when someone asked about the inventory system and finding a balance between endless inventory space and making items clearly visible, Bashiok said:


“We have an awesome UI guy (Mike Nicholson) who is constantly iterating on the interface. Right now it has a lot of the core pieces of what we want, but it’s still being worked on fairly heavily. Specifically regarding item images and being able to see the artwork - being able to reach a happy medium between single slot and having nice big item images is something we’re striving for.”

“我們有個不斷完善背囊分介面的UI天才(Mike Nicholson)。我們現在已經有了一些重要的進展,但背囊部分的工作量還是非常大的,特別是關於物品的圖示和視覺化的美工圖樣---我們這在努力爭取在小小的物品格子和清晰的物品圖示之間達到一個完美的平衡。”



